Monday, August 25, 2014


QUALITY IS BETTER THAN QUANTITY i have to come realise that we have to be careful who we call our friends, everyone will smile in your face but sometimes you dont know what in their hearts. it life. i think there comes a time in life when you have to make changes and cut some people off it just life. Some friendships tie you down instead of moving forward DONT SETTLE FOR MEDIOCRITY. some friends are literally leeches they suck the joy out of you, if you find your self making more deposits in their lives while they keep making withdrawals it time to let go, trust me it never gets better it gets worse.if you sense a sprit of competitiveness let gooo plz, i was so blind to some of my friendships because i felt like we had been friends for ages but mannn they will eventualy show you who they are and plz divas (and divo"s or should i say gents incase i have any reading :-))drop them like it hot. if they are never happy for you or always have something negative to say about something you are happy about kick them to the curb... i learned that the hardway but when i let it go. boy o boy was i relieved. it felt like a ton of breaks were off my shoulder i dont know what i was thinking NURTURING such a relationship wth such a toxic individual perphaps i was blind to a lot and not really paying attenttion. one of the friends i let of was just wierd whenever i bought something she would go and buy the exact same thing and hide it, and my thing is come on that why stores make than one so we can all have one why hide it?????, another example we would go shopping and she would pick something cute and i am like hey where did u get that from and homegurl will point me to another section of the store knowing fully well it not in that area, i mean like what in heavens is wrong with her.. it just made me uncomfortable. (thank you GOD FOR DISCERNEMNT)


  1. Mz cookie, I've been going through all your post and mehn you are amazing. How come we didn't know you have a blog. Mehn I need to tell everyone that Ms cookie has a blog o. In other new,this post touched me most..why? Just yesterday I had a fight with a friend that was my closest friend in uni and when I was explaining everything to boo, he said I have a problem cos I was still thinking of and holding on to everything we used to be and didn't want to let go and drop it like its hot*in your word*. Please can I share this on my blog. Its like its me writing this. cookie. Say yes please.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey moby, thanks a lot I read your comment when I woke up this morning and it brought a smile to my face. And yeah I totally agree with your Leboo, we get so caught up trying to hold on to the person we USED to know not the present while hoping for a change that may never come, it life we live and learn, and of course you are more than welcome to share it I am so flattered thank you. (hides face with breakfast napkin lol)

    3. You are the bestest... Thanks

  2. Love this post...u hit the nail on the head...real friends better than fake reading ur blog

  3. You are very right, one friend who is real and true is better than a ton of friends who don't add anything positive to you.
    You don't hate them but you also can't allow anyone who's toxic come into your life
